DEAE磁珠 70809-1000 1000mL
BeaverBeads Magrose DEAE是一种弱阴离子交换磁珠,具有快速的磁响应性、丰富的离子交换能力和极高的蛋白结合能力。
Kit for DNA extraction from agarose. Sample size: agarose block up to 200 mg.
EPPiC Fast
Kit for ultra rapid, enzymatic purification of PCR products. Sample size: 20 μl of the PCR reaction mixture.
Kit for rapid, enzymatic purification of PCR products. Sample size: 20 μl of the PCR reaction mixture.
Clean-Up Concentrator
Kit for DNA cleanup after PCR and other enzymatic reactions using restriction enzymes, ligase, kinase, etc.
•从PCR,内切核酸酶消化,或者“粗提的”DNA制备等过程中简捷,快速的回收到超纯DNA•柱的设计允许DNA在少量的水中或TE缓冲液中被洗脱•洗脱的DNA可用于PCR, DNA 测序
Kit for DNA cleanup after PCR and other enzymatic reactions using restriction enzymes, ligase, kinase, etc.
DNA片段筛选试剂盒(磁珠法) 60ml
BeaverBeads™ DNA Select Isolation 包含超顺磁性微球,以及预制缓冲液,可用于二代测序(Next Generation Sequencing, NGS)建库时特定范围DNA片段的筛选。
Gel-Out Concentrator
Kit for DNA extraction from agarose. Low elution volume (from 15 μl). Sample size: agarose block up to 200 mg.